Here's a photo I did a year ago, but uploaded to my relatively new flickr account:
model: chelsea
This was a really neat photo to do! First off, it was shot in front of a (poorly lit) greenscreen, as seen below:
I had alot of different possible looks for this picture, and I sorta stumbled upon the last look by accident. I grabbed some photos of bare trees like this:
So I overlayed those on, one in the foreground and one in the background. Meanwhile applying a crushed black and white look to the model, matching the trees. One person I talked to suggested the branches could've been done with a burn tool, which while probably hard to get an organic look, is a substitute. So all-in-all a really simple method for a pretty cool pic
Wow, this is great. Love the effect created by overlaying the branches. Really adds depth and whole new layer to the photo.